Wednesday 23 November 2011

Anyone recognize this Liverpool house?


  1. It looks like the one on Western Head road as you go out that way.

  2. Geraldine Cunningham23 November 2011 at 18:40

    My Aunt Ann Lee"s house White Point Road.Across from Turner"s gararge.Arthur Jarvis owned it last.

  3. Anna Hudlin used to live there years ago too. The property is owned by the Region of Queens now.

  4. I wonder who owned it way back when? My Wesley ancestors lived out there somewhere and they brought up Seth Lee who married Annie Falls so I'm wondering if this was owned by my family at one time.

  5. Once again Geraldine and Dannie are right, it was on White Point Road near the ball field. Was vacant for many years and torn down quite a while ago.

  6. is this across from the Meadow Pond and next door to where Uncle Claude lived.
