The Worthmore Store was owned by Oreon and Verna Lohnes and was located at the corner of Main and Carten Streets. The the signs on the older photo say clothing for the entire family, I remember it only being a Ladies Clothing Store. It was an upscale shop, the clothing very classy and the window displays, especially at Christmas were something I've never forgotten. I recall going in with my grandmother, Doris, many years ago and it seemed like a really busy place. The Lohnes's retired and the Worthmore Store closed for business. Marilyn Large opened another in the same location called the Leading Lady. Once again a very classy shop with top quality women's clothing. After a few years in business it also closed. Trans Canada Credit (later Wells Fargo) moved into the location and it closed. Today it's the location for DVL Publishing owned by Dirk VanLoon.
Liverpool Advance May 5, 1949
My Aunt lived above the store....nice apartments. Bought my wedding dress and veil at The Worthmore for under $300.00!! O. O. was always whistling.
ReplyDeleteYou should add current pictures to show the difference. Alot of changes since newcomers like me moved to town
ReplyDeleteThe Worthmore store is where we got my wedding dress and veil.It was a great store to shop in and it had real friendly owners loved it .
ReplyDeleteI remember the Leading Lady...Mom had bought me a beautiful pink dress there for one of my proms..and there was a fashion show at Milton hall..and we got to wear dresses from there too.
ReplyDeleteI can't remember which one it was....but the Worthmore Store is ringing a bell, but when I got in high school a bunch of us girls use to take our free class and go to town, somehow we always ended up going in the store to look at the wedding dresses
ReplyDeleteMy Mom's favorite place to shop.Made my own wedding dress but bought the accessories there
ReplyDeleteOrean(O.O.)and Verna Lohnes owned the Worthmore when I was young (50's 60's and 70's) and with daughter Judy lived close by in the beautiful old home on Reese St. at the corner of Water St.(Steel and Engines was later given permission to tear it down and put up a metal fence.)I can still hear Verna Lohnes say "Koret of California" as a testament to quality.The Worthmore Store always sponsored one of the princesses at the Firemen's Fair and in Caledonia. The pretty young daughter of someone who shopped in their store. Loyalty. This was my neighbourhood, the downtown neighbourhood and it was vibrant and exciting. Downtown Liverpool on a Saturday night was full of people, everyone came to town to shop. The Salvation Army band played on the post office corner and all our shops were busy. No one could imagine taking business elsewhere. Then came the 103 highway and a chain pharmacy in Bridgewater and everything changed. Orean is long gone but Verna Lohnes lives in town, vibrant and active and always well dressed-like the downtown she and I both knew.