Liverpool Fire Fighters Association
Please Note: You need to 'Like' the AA Munr...o Fan Page first before you can 'Like' a specific picture. Also, please tag anyone you know in the photos submitted so their friends will know!See More
Please Note: You need to 'Like' the AA Munr...o Fan Page first before you can 'Like' a specific picture. Also, please tag anyone you know in the photos submitted so their friends will know!See More
AA Munro is holding a contest for Fire Departments across Nova Scotia. All a Fire Department has to do is email us a group picture to The picture will be posted on our A.A. Munro Facebook Fan page and on November 10th which ever Fire Department has the most ‘Likes’ will win $5000 courtesy of A.A. Munro Insurance.
It's on Facebook go to this site -!/media/set/?set=a.235004739885538.74470.214517711934241&type=3
Awesome Tim, Thanks. They are so close.